
Lindh Case: Treachery Has Many Faces


Re “U.S. Talib Is Charged With Conspiracy,” Jan. 16:

Let’s be honest here. John Walker Lindh was looking for religion, not to pick a fight or kill American citizens.

Treason? Please. Lindh was simply defending his right to practice his own religion against invading soldiers who shackled the Taliban’s religion to Osama bin Laden as one dragon with two heads.

What a joke! If anyone needs to be tried it’s Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft for trashing his oath and Constitution once again--in my opinion--with these bogus charges against Lindh’s free exercise of his religion.


Jonathan R. Chase

San Ramon, Calif.


I agree with Ashcroft that “youth is not absolution for treachery.” If Lindh’s supporters persuade any jury to dismiss his actions because he is a “misguided youth who was tragically brainwashed,” then the American justice system will need to apologize to every juvenile gang member charged as an adult for murder.

M.A. Taylor Stark



Ashcroft tells us that youth is not absolution for treachery. No, but wealth is. I will believe his pious rhetoric when the Justice Department pursues Enron’s Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling with the same vigor that it pursues Lindh.

As to who is more guilty of treachery, ask the former employees of Enron who lost their retirement.

George M. Lewis

San Luis Obispo
