
Who Represents the Taxpayers?


Re “Studiously Studying Studies,” editorial, Jan. 22: I found it interesting that you did not name the specific organization or persons responsible for ordering an unneeded study of the Ventura Freeway corridor. The editorial referred to “organizers,” “city officials” and “they.” I am ashamed to say that I too have begun to refer to my government as “they,” just as the nut cases and domestic terrorists who attack our society have referred to their/our federal government.

I appreciate you identifying the state legislators who have worked so hard to spend more taxpayer money to decrease noncitizens’ payment for a California college education and to insure unmarried domestic partners. This comes just as private industry and the rest of the world attempt to cut expenses.

All the while the California lawmakers have failed to pass legislation that would enable Californians to take advantage of federal retirement incentives in 2002. I find it ironic that “they” didn’t take care of the very taxpayers who pay for the costly legislation “they” do pass.


James M. Becker

