
Everyone’s a Crooner on Karaoke Night


Most Saturday nights for the past six years, there’s been a song in the air during the karaoke gatherings at the Farmers Market at 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue. Sponsored by resident business 326 Beer & Wine, the evenings usually feature about 35 performers, including many regulars. And veterans arrive early to get a slot.

Devon Reeves

18, West Covina, actress

Song: “You Oughta Know” (Alanis Morissette)

What’s the secret to killer karaoke?

A drunk audience?

What’s your dream lounge singer outfit?

Hole-y jeans and a tight T-shirt.

Who’s your role model?

Steve Perry from Journey. His voice is so silky smooth.

What is alcohol’s role in karaoke?

At first it lightens up the crowd. Then it turns into a disaster.

What artist or song should be outlawed?

“I Got You Babe,” by Sonny and Cher. I hate that song.

It’s cute once.

Sandy Mackey

35, San Clemente, computer graphics

Song: “Delilah” (Tom Jones)

What’s the secret to killer karaoke?

Reckless abandon.

What’s your dream lounge singer outfit?

A goldish Evel Knievel [outfit] with cape, [and] sequined flames up the disco cuffs.

Who’s your role model?

Tom Jones. His intonation was perfect, and he was very cool and a ladies’ man.

Why would anyone embarrass themselves like this?

I think everyone wants that Andy Warholian 15 minutes.

What is alcohol’s role in karaoke?

It’s the ultimate karaoke enabler.

What artist or song should be outlawed?

Barry Manilow’s “I Write the Songs.” It’s like shrimp at a sushi bar.

Rafael Noble

49, Leimert Park, actor

Song: “With a Little Help From My Friends” (Beatles)

How do you work the crowd?

I gear toward the audience, whether I grab my crotch a la Michael Jackson or let out a shout.

What’s your dream lounge singer outfit?

A tailored black suit, black T-shirt, polished black shoes and a diamond stud earring . Who’s your role model?


Stevie Wonder. He’s emblematic of excellence, and he’s overcome obstacles and turned it into something positive.

Why would anyone embarrass themselves like this?

I am an applause whore.

What is alcohol’s role in karaoke?

I’ve been sober for five years now. It has more effect on the audience than it does on me.

What artist or song should be outlawed?

No one can do Marvin Gaye but Marvin.

Mary Roman

71, Hollywood, retired psychiatric attendant

Song: “Heart Broke Every Day” (Lonestar)

How do you work the crowd?

I’m not a jumper because I have a bad back, but I do sometimes use a shaker.

What’s your dream lounge singer outfit?

It’s black. I have a see-through lace skirt, pantyhose, with a black chiffon see-through blouse and a black country hat. I’ve won [contests] twice with that outfit.

Who’s your role model?

I’ve been in love with Gordon Lightfoot for eight years.

What is alcohol’s role in karaoke?

If you sing after 8 p.m., you get a pretty good reception.

What artist or song should be outlawed?

I don’t like hard rock.
