
Immigration Remains a National Security Issue


For once I agree with the pro-immigration types (“Immigration Crackdown Ineffective, Study Finds,” July 17). A strengthened border isn’t making much of a difference. What remains is for Americans to have the courage to search for and expel the countless illegal immigrants already here.

There is nothing sane about letting a man like Hesham Hadayet remain in the U.S. after first working illegally on a visitor’s visa, and then while he appealed his rejection for political asylum--to have him later commit his terrorism at LAX. The message to the Hadayets of the world is that if you get past the border you can stay here for life. Only when we aggressively expel illegals in residence will there be true immigration control. Despite the spin that open-border lovers try to put on it, immigration is not a class or racial issue. It is, and always has been, a national security issue.

Dan Sanders

Santa Monica
