
Illegal Immigrants Manipulate the System


Re “Illegal Immigrants’ Best Form of ID Is Ingenuity,” May 12:

The Times’ article seems to laud illegal immigrants. You describe how a family is able to hold jobs, own a car--though with no driver’s license and auto insurance--own a house and buy furniture. Untold numbers of illegal immigrants are undercutting an orderly society by manipulating the system in the same manner as the Rodriguez family.

Gustavo Rodriguez is paid in cash, so he pays no worker’s compensation, Social Security or income tax. Who does he think is paying for the services his family receives? How many laws has this family broken with its strategy of living in our society illegally?

I am tired of being told that these are just hard-working people who want the American dream, and that they pay more into the system in taxes than they use. This article puts an end to that big lie.


On the same page was an article that states the swelling California budget gap leaves Gov. Davis with few options except to raise taxes for law-abiding and taxpaying citizens. If there is a growing segment of our population that pays no taxes, it does not take a genius to conclude that our taxes will be increased.

Alvina Phillips

