
Student Who Had Tryst With Teacher Loses Suit

From Times Wire Reports


The sexual relationship between sixth-grade teacher Mary Kay Letourneau and one of her students could not have been prevented by the school district or local police, a civil jury ruled in Kent, Wash. Letourneau was 34 and former student Vili Fualaau was 12 when the relationship began in the spring of 1996. Letourneau gave birth to two daughters fathered by Fualaau and was sentenced to seven years in prison for child rape.

Monday’s verdict followed a nine-week trial in which Fualaau’s lawyer argued that the school district and police should have picked up on clues to the relationship. Fualaau was not in court when the verdict was read. His mother and co-plaintiff, Soona Vili, sighed deeply. Fualaau’s attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., said no decision had been made on an appeal.
