
Conservatives Fight Liberal Denominations

From Times Wire Services

More than 600 conservatives from mainline Protestant churches are meeting in Indianapolis this weekend to attack liberal-leaning denominations.

Evangelical leaders say the denominations have abandoned Scripture by embracing homosexuality, an anything-goes theology and causes such as abortion and opposition to war with Iraq.

“The Holy Spirit has not abandoned our churches; neither will we,” a group of 18 theologians wrote in a joint “Letter to Confessing Christians,” released at the meeting of the Assn. for Church Renewal.


“A church that is unable to confess its faith is a lame and withered church,” the letter said. “The church needs faithful witnesses in order to be the church of Jesus Christ.”

The leader of the effort is Thomas Oden, a United Methodist theologian from Drew University.

Conference participants come from the United Church of Christ, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), American Baptist Churches USA and the Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Episcopal churches.
