
Justice Dept. May Take Over Sniper Prosecution

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Times Staff Writers

The Justice Department moved closer Tuesday to taking over the prosecution of the Washington area sniper case, filing a complaint in federal court in Maryland that alleges John Allen Muhammad was responsible for the shooting rampage that terrorized the region this month.

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft, calling the shootings atrocities, said he has not decided whether federal or state prosecutors would conduct the first trial of Muhammad, 41. But he said he expects swift justice and wants available the most serious penalties -- a reference to the death sentence.

The complaint and an accompanying federal affidavit contain important new details about the shootings, but the documents did not name Muhammad’s alleged partner, Lee Boyd Malvo, 17. However, it is believed that Malvo is also facing federal charges under sealed proceedings that apply to minors in the federal court system.


The affidavit noted that when police finally caught up with Muhammad and Malvo at a Maryland freeway rest stop Thursday, Muhammad had several phony driver’s licenses and a single brown cotton glove stuck in a hole in the car trunk that matched a glove recovered at a shooting scene in Silver Spring, Md., two days earlier.

Among other items the pair carried was a Sony laptop computer, a pair of two-way radios, various books, a global positioning system, bolt cutters, two shooting mittens, a Bushmaster rifle and a gallon jug of yellow liquid that was not further described, according to the affidavit.

Evidence continued to grow Tuesday that Muhammad and Malvo allegedly engaged in crimes across the country, including a credit card theft in Arizona that was detailed in the federal affidavit and two possible shootings in Tacoma last year.


In addition to the slayings in and near the nation’s capital, the pair are charged with killing a liquor store clerk and wounding another in Alabama on Sept. 21.

In conversations with others, Muhammad referred to Malvo as a sniper as early as six months before the Washington area shootings, according to the affidavit.

The federal complaint names six victims gunned down in Maryland and one in Washington, but does not mention the Virginia shootings. A Justice Department official said including the five Virginia shootings would risk running afoul of Virginia’s double jeopardy protections.


The complaint against Muhammad was filed in federal court in Greenbelt, Md., and alleges that he violated the 47-year-old U.S. Hobbs Act, a federal statute that was intended to fight union corruption.

The Hobbs violations allege that the pair conspired to commit offenses against the United States. By adding allegations that they used threats of extortion and physical violence, federal prosecutors can seek the death penalty against Muhammad, Justice Department officials said.

Under federal law, the death penalty does not apply to minors and minors cannot be tried as adults. Malvo is already under indictment for murder in Virginia, which does permit the execution of minors.

The Justice Department has 10 days from the filing of a complaint to indict a suspect, and a decision about where to conduct a trial will almost certainly be made by then. But that issue could be resolved much sooner, as early as this week, according to Justice Department officials. Ashcroft said the department is trying to cooperate with Maryland and Virginia, though political squabbles are apparent.

The affidavit said the murders are related, noting that the shots were all taken at a distance and that ballistic tests showed that all but three bullets had been matched to the same weapon. Ballistic evidence from the first three shootings did not permit comparison, it said.

Much of the affidavit covers the necessary legal ground to prove violations of the Hobbs Act, including showing that the shooting occurred at businesses involved in interstate commerce, that the pair crossed state lines in committing the crimes and that they made an extortion attempt. The affidavit notes that Muhammad demanded $10 million be paid to a stolen Visa Platinum card issued by the Bank of America. It also contained threats to kill other individuals.


The affidavit confirms many other previously reported details about the crimes, including the discovery of letters at shooting sites, tarot cards and telephone calls by the suspects to police.

It also mentions for the first time that the pair used a stolen credit card from Arizona to purchase gasoline in Tacoma on April 9, the first indication that Muhammad had returned to Tacoma after leaving it earlier this year.

Indeed, Muhammad and Malvo took center stage Tuesday in Tacoma as suspects in another homicide, a brutal Feb. 16 slaying that had baffled detectives there.

A 21-year-old single mother, Keenya Cook, was shot in the face as she opened the front door of her aunt’s house, most likely, authorities said, to a visitor she knew.

When Cook’s aunt, Isa Nichols, returned from shopping that day, she found Cook dead in the doorway and Cook’s unharmed baby lying on a diaper-changing table nearby.

Tacoma police concluded at the time that Cook knew her killer because there were no signs of forced entry. But they had no suspects until Muhammad and Malvo were arrested and their faces broadcast on nationwide television.


Tacoma Police Chief David A. Brame said at a news conference late Monday that a Tacoma gun hobbyist he declined to identify had befriended and housed Muhammad and Malvo for several months this year. The gun owner came forward after the two men were charged in the sniper rampage.

Brame said the man voluntarily turned over to police a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol and a .44 magnum revolver that he said he had loaned to Muhammad on occasion during the first six months of this year.

Ballistic tests showed that the .45 automatic was the weapon that killed Cook, according to the affidavit.

Nichols family members then explained that Muhammad knew Cook’s aunt, who worked as a bookkeeper at Muhammad’s Tacoma truck and car repair shop before it went out of business. They also said Nichols had befriended Muhammad’s second wife, Mildred, and sided with her during the couple’s bitter custody battle over their three children.

Several family members now suspect Cook was killed out of revenge.

Malcolm Nichols, Cook’s uncle, said in an interview that Muhammad and his wife had been guests at his Tacoma home for barbecues, dominoes and card parties. The problems started after Muhammad and wife separated and the Nichols family assisted the FBI in finding the couple’s children, who were with Muhammad, Nichols said.

Other ballistic tests on the .44-caliber magnum showed that it was used in a shooting several months later at Tacoma’s Temple Beth El synagogue, according to Brame.


No one was hurt in the shooting last May, which left a bullet lodged in the ark that contains the Torah, Judaism’s sacred writings. Rabbi Mark Glickman dismissed the shooting as vandalism at the time. But after Muhammad and Malvo were linked to Tacoma, he asked police to reinvestigate.



Death penalty

Law on executions in jurisdictions involved in sniper case:

Alabama -- Yes, including convicts under 18

D.C. -- No

Maryland -- Yes, if specific circumstance is met, not for under 18, currently under moratorium

Virginia -- Yes, including convicts under 18

Federal jurisdiction -- Yes, if conspiracy charges are included

Sources: Associated Press, Death Penalty Information Center



Death Penalty Provisions

A look at executions in the jurisdictions involved in the sniper case:



No. executed since 1976 -- 24

No. on death row (as of July 1) -- 189

Method of execution -- Lethal injection or choice of electrocution



No. executed since 1976 -- 3

No. on death row (as of July 1) -- 17

Method of execution -- Lethal injection or choice of gas chamber for those sentenced before March 11, 1994



No. executed since 1976 -- 86

No. on death row (as of July 1) -- 26

Method of execution -- Electrocution or lethal injection



No. executed since 1976 -- 0

No. on death row (as of July 1) -- 0

Method of execution -- --


Federal jurisdiction

No. executed since 1976 -- 2

No. on death row (as of July 1) -- 7

Method of execution -- Lethal injection


Sources: Associated Press, Death Penalty Information Center
