
Pepe Le Pew was here


Samantha Bonar doesn’t happen to live in Silver Lake, does she? Because I think my backyard is part of the Skunk Underground Railroad (“Sniffing the Limits of a Date’s Patience,” April 3). I have two dogs, Aggie (Niagara), a cocker spaniel, and Lola, a lovely golden retriever/dachshund (would you believe it) mix who’ve been skunked half a dozen times in the privacy of their own backyard.

I howled reading her piece.

Robin Budd

Silver Lake

P.S.: Nature’s Miracle works wonders -- they make a Skunk Removal formula that you just pour on (I drench my dogs) and let dry. No rinsing required.


I enjoyed Samantha Bonar’s story regarding her dog and the skunk. My Aussie, Samantha is also her name, never seems to learn. But I have discovered a marvelous skunk neutralizer that I must share.


Mix just before using. Mix one pint of hydrogen peroxide (from the drugstore), with 1/4 cup baking soda and one tablespoon dishwashing detergent in a large pitcher and pour onto sprayed areas. Use sponge to apply near face. Take care of eyes. Massage onto fur so it gets everywhere the skunk oil has spread. Let sit for a few minutes and rinse.

This really works. I should know, as I shared my backyard in Palos Verdes with seven skunks and three dogs. I now keep pints of the peroxide in the garage.

Diana Howard

Rolling Hills
