
Embedded in war


My congratulations on a fine job of reporting and analysis on that very tricky subject of embedded journalists and the Iraq coverage (“Embedded Reporters Make for Good Journalism,” by David Shaw, April 6). As a former foreign correspondent, I was no fan of the Pentagon and was frankly extremely suspicious of what kind of reporting embedding would produce. But, as you so well described, the results were generally quite professional. Already, those over-the-top “golly, look at me in this tank” snippets have given way to thoughtful features and well edited summaries, in print as well as on TV. All well covered in Shaw’s column.

Norman Sklarewitz

Los Angeles


A few big “ifs” in Shaw’s article. The biggest “if” will be if the broadcasting or newspaper companies will show failed missions, civilian casualties, etc. Do any of the reporters want to be without a job like Peter Arnett?

Venita Selters

