
Lewis Is Arrested for DUI

From Staff and Wire Reports

Nine-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis was arrested early Monday on suspicion of drunk driving after the sports car he was driving hit a wall on the Harbor Freeway in South Los Angeles, officials for the California Highway Patrol said.

Lewis, 41, was not injured in the single-car crash at about 2:30 a.m. and was found on Interstate 110, north of the Artesia Freeway.

The California Highway Patrol found Lewis alone in his car and noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication, Officer Joseph Pace said.


The 2004 Maserati Lewis was driving sustained damage on the right side.

Lewis, 41, failed a series of field sobriety tests and was arrested, Pace said, and taken to the Los Angeles Police department 77th Street station.

A breath test given at the station showed Lewis’ blood-alcohol level was .08 percent, the level at which a driver is considered intoxicated in California.

Lewis, who was carrying a Texas driver’s license, was released to a friend.

The case was scheduled for July 7 in Los Angeles Superior Court.
