
American Assessment of Iran’s Nuclear Plans


Re “Iran Closes In on Ability to Build a Nuclear Bomb” and “Afghans on Edge of Chaos,” Aug. 4: While the Bush administration has been focusing on Iraq, the Taliban has been making a resurgence, Iran and North Korea have been making nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia has been ignoring or abetting terrorist activity and Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are still at large.

Didn’t the administration say that the invasion of Iraq would make Americans safer? I guess I’m just being silly, but knowing that Pyongyang has the capability of annihilating the entire Los Angeles area doesn’t make me feel very safe.

Maryanne Rose

Laguna Niguel


Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. It is explicitly dedicated to the ideas that motivated 9/11, and it has a deep hostility and hatred of the West. For almost a quarter of a century it has waged war on the West either directly or through its proxies. It is imperative that our government act with military force to remove this threat before it’s too late. Iran and nuclear weapons are a toxic mix. One that we cannot afford to tolerate.


Kirk Byers

San Mateo


Why did the government have to be so deceptive about Iraq? These satellite photos, maps and suspicions about Iran’s weapons are like deja vu from the months that led up to the war with Iraq. Now, I wonder if there’s an ulterior motive to this campaign against Iran too. Maybe access to Iran’s Caspian Sea, home to endless oil and natural gas, is worth any costs.

Wendy D. Henderson

