
Buzz Clubs


Art, music, shopping

I took a spin on the carnie ride, the Sizzler, while the Circle Jerks were singing “Wild in the Streets,” and all I could think is that there’s no place like home. It was Saturday at the Sunset Junction street fair in Silver Lake, and in the words of Ice Cube, it was a good day. Ran into mi amigo Juvencio Jimenez-Valdez amid the mayhem, and the Dionicia stylist tells me he’s got a poppin’ club night coming up this Sunday at his Beverly Hills boutique-salon called “Calling L.A.” The fun starts at 6 p.m., with an art show, live music by Mind’scar and Mynx, and DJs Rare Matthew and Sheak One. Meanwhile, backstage at the Circle Jerks, we caught up with door gal-about-town Stephanie Mata, who says she just opened up a retail shop called Sticks and Stones on Genesee Ave. north of Melrose.

Club scene

Speaking of cool digs, Star Shoes is hosting a hot bash on Sept. 5. The Hollywood Boulevard club is bringing in the promoters from Shout, one of the longest-running garage rock clubs from New York City.... We hear Saturdays at Nacional have been star-drenched. Among the hotties making the scene at the Hollywood nightclub are Jessica Simpson and hubbie Nick Lachey, actors Joe Pesce and Seth Green and the lovely Hilton sisters.... Shelter’s been offering a bit of refuge to the clubbing set. Working a Mad Max theme, the dark, candlelit nightspot has a slamming Friday night called “Sucia,” where DJ Ruckas, who just happens to be Lenny Kravitz’s cousin, rips it up. In the house at last week’s birthday party for promoter Ron Bruland was Denzel Washington, Orlando Jones and “S.W.A.T.’s” Brian Vanholt. And Thursday’s Betty Ford night at Shelter is a sweet social mixer. Its promoters, Scott and Jared, curate from the art, style and entertainment industry....

The Bigfoot Lodge is to Atwater what Austin Powers is to London -- groovy baby. Case in point: You can join the warm and fuzzy bar for a night of Theremin music on Sept. 28, and if that doesn’t float your boat, you might wanna take a ride with the Jupiter Affect. The band’s frontman, Michael Quercio, is the former writer-singer behind Salvation Army and the Three O’Clock.


-- Heidi Siegmund Cuda
