
When Howard Dean Speaks His Mind


Re “Dean’s Conflicting Iraq Comments Draw Scrutiny,” Dec. 18: Conflicting comments? By whose standards, Sen. John Kerry’s? Give me a break. After reading the list of Howard Dean’s statements on the Iraq war it is plain to me that they are not at all conflicting. Too many times the headlines in your newspaper betray what is actually being reported. To call Dean’s comments “conflicting” is irresponsible editorializing and only furthers the misrepresentation of a candidate who actually says what he thinks, not what he thinks will get him elected. Because of this ridiculous headline, Dean just got another online donation from me. Maybe he should thank you.

R.J. Robinson



Dean’s “shoot from the hip and ask questions later” style is not at all unique to the war in Iraq. He said the Democratic Party should seek the votes of guys in pickup trucks with Confederate flags; he said he is the only candidate to speak to white audiences about race; he claimed he sealed some of his records as governor because he wanted to protect the identity of people with AIDS; and he once referred to Medicare as one of the worst federal programs ever devised. His style is stupid and counterproductive when one is running for president. Democrats need to find an alternative before it is too late.

Lawrence Becker



Be careful what you wish for. America finally gets the unscripted candidate we’ve been clamoring for and the first thing we do is fault him for not sticking to a script. Dean’s statements consistently repeat two themes: Saddam Hussein is a threat but not an immediate danger to the U.S., and unilateral war should be our last option for removing him. Where’s the conflict? The only real conflict is among the Democratic candidates, who are once again proving the wisdom of Walt Kelly’s Pogo: We have met the enemy, and he is us.


Ed Brand

Santa Clarita
