
Union Urges Early Learning

From Associated Press

Every child should be required to attend kindergarten and should be offered free pre-kindergarten, the nation’s largest teachers union says.

National Education Assn. delegates called for the broad expansion in early childhood learning during their annual business meeting last week. Left open was how local, state and federal governments would raise the money to pay for it.

Kindergarten attendance is mandatory in 14 states; 41 states require school districts to offer kindergarten, the Education Commission of the States reports.


NEA delegates agreed that kindergarten should be required so children learn the basic skills needed for first grade. The union backs full-day kindergarten, which has been shown to produce greater student achievement than half-day programs.

Union members also called for every state to offer voluntary preschool to 3- and 4-year-olds. Only Georgia offers free preschool for all students.

The statement comes after a year of study among union leaders about how to improve education for young children.
