
Do Results Justify the War on Iraq?

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Re “Bush Tempers Talk of Weapons,” June 10: Although President Bush attempts to temper the increasing criticisms on the justification for the Iraq invasion, it is obvious that he and his administration lied. After weeks of searching for all the weapons of mass destruction and finding none, Bush has shown no outrage that he was misled by intelligence, if that was the case. Instead, Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz all seem to be backing away from the scare tactics they used when trying to gain support to invade Iraq.

No longer are they absolutely sure that Saddam Hussein held vast arsenals of biological and chemical weapons. Now Bush is content in claiming that he is sure an illegal arms program in Iraq will be found. Wolfowitz has remarked that using the WMD angle was the best way to get through the bureaucracy to achieve their means.

It is quite disturbing to see the arrogance and disregard that this administration has shown for law and honesty. When presented with evidence that doesn’t fit his game plan, Bush has repeatedly said he is interested in results, not process. I feel the process is of dire importance when we live in a democratic society and are the most powerful country in the world. Bush lied, people died. He should resign.


Rose Madian



I can understand Robert Scheer’s pain (“Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish,” Commentary, June 10) and feel for Al Martinez (“Now, Pvt. Conway, You Pay the Price,” Calendar, June 9).

But forgetting weapons of mass destruction and other things for a moment, here’s one question nobody’s thought of (as far as I know): If we didn’t invade Iraq, how long were we going to maintain the north-south “no- fly” zones and a free Iraqi Kurdistan? For the rest of Hussein’s life? His sons’ lives? Forever?

Were I president, I don’t know what I would do or when I would do it, but it seems that’s a situation that would eventually have to be resolved one way or another.


Chuck Wagner

Culver City
