
Are liberals really ready for their own Limbaugh?


So, a group of wealthy Democrats plans to start a new radio network in hopes of creating liberal talk-show alternatives to Rush Limbaugh.

Why does this strike me as the silliest idea I’ve heard since Jimmy Carter decided to ward off an alleged killer rabbit with a canoe paddle? I’m all for strong liberal voices to offset the demagoguery and drivel-cum-diatribe that pass for dialogue in the conservative-dominated universe of talk radio. But what makes these Democrats think they can just snap their fingers, wave their greenbacks and -- voila -- millions of Americans will suddenly wantto hear Al Franken make daily drive-time fun of John Ashcroft?

For the record:

12:00 a.m. March 5, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday March 05, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 36 words Type of Material: Correction
Virginia governor -- Douglas Wilder was misidentified as the former governor of West Virginia in the Media Matters column in Sunday’s Calendar. Wilder was the governor of Virginia.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday March 09, 2003 Home Edition Sunday Calendar Part E Page 2 Calendar Desk 0 inches; 26 words Type of Material: Correction
Virginia governor -- Douglas Wilder was misidentified as the former governor of West Virginia in last Sunday’s Media Matters column. Wilder was the governor of Virginia.

There has been much talk recently about conservative control of the airwaves. Limbaugh has 15 million to 20 million listeners daily, and the equally conservative Sean Hannity, the country’s No. 2-rated talk-show host, has more than 10 million. Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage, G. Gordon Liddy and others who approach politics from somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun are also hugely successful.


But these men didn’t lure their big audiences because some conservative Daddy Warbucks anointed them. They’ve succeeded because their message -- and their means of delivering that message -- struck a responsive chord with a huge number of alienated Americans.

Sure, they were helped by the dismantling of the Fairness Doctrine by the FCC in 1987. Limbaugh’s show went into national syndication the next year, and its rapid growth -- from 56 stations to 660 -- was certainly fueled by a long-standing, widespread feeling among conservatives that the mainstream media have a liberal bias.

Limbaugh also benefited from the presence in the White House through most of the 1990s of Bill Clinton as fornicator-in-chief. Clinton was the ideal foil for someone of Limbaugh’s antediluvian ideology and loathsome methodology. (Limbaugh once asked on his now-defunct TV show, “Did you know there’s a White House dog?” -- at which point he displayed a photograph of Chelsea Clinton, then 13.)

Though I was appalled by the arrogance and the stupidity Clinton demonstrated in his relationships with women, I also think that behavior was a subject for him and his wife -- not the national media -- to deal with. He was a good president, and given his essentially centrist ideology, I still don’t understand why he engendered such nasty reactions among conservatives. But engender them he did, and Limbaugh exploited and exacerbated those feelings with his entertaining, smash-mouth brand of talk radio.

He became a hit, and station owners across the fruited plain rushed to find imitators.

Money talks

Liberals say station owners hired conservative talk-show hosts because the owners themselves are conservatives. There’s probably some truth to that. But Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers, the magazine that covers the talk radio industry, told me recently, “I can remember hearing a lot of owners say, ‘I’ve got this guy Limbaugh, and I can’t stand his politics, but he’s making me a ton of money.’

“Owners are only guided by two things,” Harrison says, “ratings and revenue. If owners thought liberals would bring them ratings and revenue, you’d have liberals on every station.”


I suspect that Harrison exaggerates. After all, liberals are more likely to criticize big business, to argue for environmental legislation and to take other stands that would be likely to offend advertisers accustomed to Limbaugh-like cosseting. Offend your advertisers, and your revenue goes down.

But there have been liberal talk-show hosts in the past -- among them, former governors Mario Cuomo of New York, Jerry Brown of California and Douglas Wilder of West Virginia.

They all failed.


“They were boring,” Harrison says. “Limbaugh is the most impressive radio personality of the last 50 years. He’s very talented. Cuomo was elitist and arrogant. Brown was too wonky. No one liked listening to any of those liberals. Conservatives are not taking jobs away from liberals. They’re taking jobs away from less talented hosts.”

Liberals think they’ve been unable to match the conservative success on talk radio because are too reasonable, too willing to consider both sides of an issue, too concerned with nuance and complexity.

Certainly the best liberal talk-show host in this city’s history -- Michael Jackson -- is all those things. Moreover, he is intelligent, unfailingly polite and -- unlike Limbaugh -- he does his homework so that he can actually be (gasp!) accurate on the air. But Jackson, after more than 30 years on talk radio, is also out of work.

A full slate

Of course, it’s self-serving for a liberal to say, “Gee, I’m not successful in this stupid, nasty medium because I’m too nice and too smart.” There’s clearly more to it than that.


Maybe that’s why the people behind the idea of a liberal radio network plan to produce not just a talk show or two but -- to quote the New York Times -- “a 14-hour, daily slate of commercial programs that would heavily rely on comedy and political satire.”

Many liberals do have a sense of humor (Woody Allen is a lot funnier than Bob Hope), and they’ve long been leaders in political satire (I’d bet that every good satirist from Jonathan Swift to the entire cast of “Saturday Night Live” would have voted for Paul Newman over John Wayne for president). So maybe this liberal network idea sounds reasonable enough on the surface. (“Dial ‘KLIB’ and laugh your way to and from work listening to Will Ferrell impersonating George W. Bush impersonating the president of the United States.”)

But do people want to mix politics and entertainment -- not politics done in an entertaining fashion but politics masquerading as entertainment -- several hours every day?

Do liberals feel as disenfranchised as Limbaugh’s dittoheads did when he began? If so, is there a liberal out there who could capitalize on that feeling -- Robin Williams reprising “Good Morning, Vietnam” as “Good Morning, Beverly Hills”?

George W. Bush had lower SAT scores than my 12-year-old son, and he’s been about as successful in pursuing Osama bin Laden as my 96-year-old mother would be. But despite a recent decline, Bush remains high in the polls, and as potential talk-show fodder, his embrace of Enron’s “Kenny boy” Lay doesn’t begin to compare with Clinton’s embrace -- if you can call it that -- of Monica Lewinsky.

So with bombs about to fall on Baghdad, just whom would the liberal talk-show hosts and satirists target? Who would be their Bill Clinton?


Where is Trent Lott now that we really need him?


David Shaw can be reached at
