
Soviet-Style Equality in Living and Dying

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Pamela Fitzsimmons was absolutely correct that the rich have more pleasant deaths than the poor (“Living and Dying Along Class Lines,” Commentary, May 13). She also correctly (and very politically) pointed out that the daughters of the rich did not suffer from back-alley abortions before Roe vs. Wade. Why did she choose that example and stop there? The rich also dress better than the poor, eat better, travel better, dine better, vacation better and are better educated, entertained and housed.

The rich should have nothing better than the poor. What a pity communism collapsed in Russia. We could have all moved there and spent the rest of our lives in total fairness and complete contentment. The only solution I now see (to get the rich off our backs) is an immediate, forced redistribution of the wealth in this country. I can’t wait to get my hands on Barbra Streisand’s and Steven Spielberg’s money.

Joe Teague

