
Duck Bandwagon Pays the Bills

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I’ve never understood people like David Day of Chino (Sports Viewpoint, May 10) who decry all of the “Johnny-come-lately” fans who suddenly turn out whenever a team achieves some success.

David, you should be thanking every one of these people for shelling out $67 for an upper-deck playoff seat, because all of that extra revenue makes it more likely that Disney will retain the players who have gotten the Mighty Ducks this far. The true measure of success in sports is sustained excellence, not a one-year aberration.

As for me, no, I do not remember the Iceman, the Decoys or the “Rock the Pond” theme song. I started following hockey later in life. But I have been attending Duck games since 1999, at the height of the Tony Tavares debacle. And I was always amused by the attendance figures of 13,000 that the Ducks reported, when there couldn’t have been more than 5,000 people in the house.


David, were you one of those 8,000 no-shows back then?

David H. Crocker

Yorba Linda
