
Irvine Residents Take Sides on CenterLine

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That the recent “CenterLine Yes” flier presents a one-sided view is no surprise, but the omissions on the “yes” side are flagrant, and the references to Measure B are inflammatory and grossly misleading -- not exactly what I deserve from my City Council members.

On the “yes” side, half of the 170,000 commuters who reportedly drive on Irvine streets are within “easy walking distance of CenterLine” because they drove here, not because they live near it. Except for the few who live near UC Irvine, there is no CenterLine “benefit” to Irvine residents. In fact, CenterLine may cause more local traffic because you certainly can’t walk to the terminal. More flagrant is omission of any reference to the cost, except that it “will be built at no cost to Irvine taxpayers.” Are Irvine taxpayers exempt from state and federal taxes?

As to the flier’s comments on Measure B, there isn’t enough space here to enumerate all of the misstatements, but suffice it to say:


1. While “Measure B does nothing to improve our roads or bus service,” neither does Measure A.

2. Measure B is no more “permanent” than any other voter-approved action. If needed, voters can add it just as easily as remove it.

3. Measure B does not “cause” anything -- such as “more car trips, more traffic or more pollution,” or “destroy any hope of meeting our transportation needs.”


Scott Perley



Since we have recently retired, we hope that we will someday be able to use regular rapid rail transit to shop and run errands in Irvine. If Measure B succeeds, we will forever be forced to rely upon our automobiles and inconveniently scheduled buses.

I strongly feel the need for rapid transit between Irvine and its neighbors. I doubt that those opposed to Measure A have any experience using rapid transit or light rail in Southern California.

Irvine residents, please read your Voter Information Pamphlet carefully and vote for the best opportunity for removing our reliance on automobiles: “Yes” on A, “no” on B.


Ralph Farrington



I live near UCI and welcome the CenterLine. With light rail comes easy access to UCI, John Wayne Airport, my office in the Irvine Business Complex, shopping at South Coast Plaza, the Santa Ana Civic Center and the Santa Ana Amtrak terminal. What a boon! It will get lots of people out of their cars, alleviate the crowded parking at UCI, and take us closer to utopia.

Bob Foster

