
Soldier Is Discharged in Vaccine Refusal

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From Associated Press

A military panel found an Army reservist guilty of disobeying an order for refusing to take the anthrax vaccine and tossed her out of the Army on Wednesday.

The panel of eight officers -- only two of whom said during questioning that they have taken the six-shot regimen -- took 40 minutes to return a guilty verdict against Pvt. Kamila Iwanowska and two hours to determine her penalty: a bad conduct discharge.

Iwanowska, 26, admitted in a court “stipulation of fact” that she refused to follow the verbal and written orders of her commanding officers. Army prosecutor Capt. Leslie Rowley said the statement was all the proof the panel needed.


Iwanowska told her superiors she considered the shot medically dangerous to children she might have in the future, saying the vaccine’s long-term effects are unknown. As a Roman Catholic, she also cited religious reasons.

Since the vaccinations were made mandatory for U.S. military personnel in 1998, hundreds of service members have been disciplined or discharged for refusing to take the shot. At least 37 have been court-martialed.

The Pentagon says the vaccination is safe, with severe adverse reactions occurring in about one in 100,000 vaccinations.


Iwanowska said she was relieved to avoid a possible one-year jail term but may still appeal to upgrade her discharge.

“I certainly expected some jail time,” she said.

Prosecutor Maj. David Tobin had asked the panel to give Iwanowska six months in jail, but said after sentencing that he was satisfied with the decision, which now goes to Ft. Drum commander Maj. Gen. Franklin L. Hagenbeck for approval.

“I still believe the Army is a good place and I don’t regret joining,” Iwanowska said after the verdict. “I don’t regret what I did; I just wish it had turned out differently.”
