
State’s Gasoline Prices Continue to Fall

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California’s gasoline prices fell for the 11th straight week to a statewide average of $1.681 for a gallon of self-serve regular, but the tiny decline of 0.4 cent a gallon over the last seven days is a sign that the downward trend is losing steam, according to figures from a federal survey.

The latest decline is the smallest since California’s pump prices began to fall at the beginning of September, when the cost of fuel topped $2.10 a gallon. However, the new average is still 9.4 cents a gallon higher than for the same week last year, according to the Energy Information Administration, an arm of the Department of Energy.

The nationwide average cost of fuel fell 0.7 cent in the last week to $1.497 for a gallon of regular Monday, the EIA said.


-- Elizabeth Douglass
