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‘This election was not about replacing one man; it was not replacing one party. It was about changing the entire political climate of our state. Everywhere I went during my campaign, I could feel the public hunger for our elected officials to work together, to work openly and to work for the greater good. The election was the people’s veto for politics as usual.’ Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor


‘One of the problems is Republicans and Democrats are standing there with guns pointed to each other. Each one is afraid to give the other credit for solutions, where Arnold will give credit to everybody. He’s got the kind of ego and confidence to do it.’ Richard Riordan, education secretary


‘An address filled with expressions of wanting to work together and metaphors that point to a California filled with opportunity for all. That kind of symbolism can be embraced by Republicans as well as Democrats. But the rubber hits the road when we begin to talk about executive orders and initiatives to repeal legislation.’ Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Los Angeles), on Schwarzenegger’s inaugural address



‘Not since the Gold Rush has there been so many pushy strangers on the streets of Sacramento.’ Duncan Campbell, a British reporter covering the inaugural


‘It’s a great day for Arnold if you think about Arnold’s life and where he came from. I wish his mother was here to see it.’ Maria Shriver, first lady


‘Everything is up in the air until we get instructions from the governor.’ Bill Branch, DMV spokesman on rollback of car tax



‘He ain’t getting it from me...We don’t have the money. That’s a problem between him and local government that they’ll have to work out.’ Sen. John Burton (D-San Francisco), when asked how Schwarzenegger plans to make up funding cuts for local governments


‘Schwarzenegger was saying the magic words, that he works for the people.’ Ted Costa, the antitax activist who drew up the original recall petition against Gray Davis
