
‘The Worst Car Trip Ever’

Special to The Times

THE Jones family arrived at Grandma’s house. It took a few moments before Benny could move, his heart was pounding so hard. “Are my parents just going to open up the door and push me out?” he thought. But just as Benny was about to say, “I know when I’m not wanted,” the front door of the house opened. Twenty people spilled out and surrounded the car.

A tall man in a uniform scooped Benny up in his arms and passed him around to Aunt Samantha, Uncle Fred, Cousin Jamie, Grandma, and others who hugged and kissed him on both cheeks. “Benny’s grown so much,” said someone. “Cute as a button,” said someone else. “Spittin’ image of his daddy,” said Grandma.

“Yes, he’s our pride and joy,” said Benny’s dad.

Just then there was a commotion and a dog burst outside.

“Spike!” yelled Benny as he threw his arms around him. “How did my dog get here?”

“That’s not Spike,” said Benny’s mother. “That’s his brother, Mike. We had them both when you were a baby, but we gave this one to Grandma.”


“He’s a handful,” said Grandma. “You’re still taking him back with you, I hope. Otherwise, I’ll have to find him a good home outside the family.”

“We can’t take him, Doris. We have our hands full with Spike,” said Benny’s mother. “I’m sorry we offered.”

“Nonsense. You can keep two dogs,” said Benny’s grandmother. “You have Benny here, and he’s not a baby anymore. Now that Roger’s in the service, I can’t take care of Mike by myself.”

“You really have to give Mike away?” asked Benny.

“I’m afraid so, little soldier,” said the tall man in uniform as he leaned down to pat Benny on the head.”

“Well, me and my great mom and dad will be happy to take care of your dog,” said Benny. “Mike’s got to stay part of the best family there ever was.”

“It’s a big responsibility,” said Benny’s dad. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Of course I can,” answered Benny. “I’m not a baby anymore.”


This story will be on The Times’ Web site at A new, five-part story begins on Monday.
