
A friendly place to meet online


I appreciate that LAPeopleConnection was mentioned in “L.A. Wide Web,” by James Verini (Oct. 16), but I’m dismayed by the misrepresentation of LAPeopleConnection. Verini did not contact the founder or even take a moment to look at the “about us” section on If he had, he wouldn’t have made the wrong assumption that LAPC was modeled off of Craigslist and Friendster.

He would have learned that LAPC was formed with absolutely no money and an unfathomable amount of love and effort from founder Jen Tierney, and it was formed two years before Craigslist expanded to L.A., and that LAPC had been around for three years before anyone even heard of Friendster. Friendster doesn’t do anything other than give adults a place to post their pictures and profiles online. Though is a tremendous site that fulfills the need of a community bulletin board, it’s not a “we’re going to get you out of your house and do something” community.

Most of us who frequent LAPC want to laugh, converse and develop real friendships, not air kiss while holding a $12 Cosmopolitan and pretending to enjoy being bombarded by deafening house music.


Stephanie Roberts


Stephanie Roberts is the event coordinator for


I have enjoyed Mr. Verini’s last two feature articles -- articulate without being verbose and overall very refreshing for The Times. There is a youthful edge to his writing without being annoying, obscure or pretentious. His is a voice your paper consistently needs.

Marya Stofflet
