
Two Parties -- Too Few for the Nation’s Good


Re “Pinning the Nasty Little Pols,” Commentary, Sept. 3: Three cheers for Jesse Ventura! One of those rare moments in life when the truth is able to get out so it can be heard (or seen) by millions. Listen to Jesse, people, please. The Democrats and Republicans don’t want anything other than a two-party system. They are two heads of the same beast, at odds often, but in collusion always.

In 1828, the first third party came into being; it was called the Anti-Masonic Party and became a serious bugaboo to the two-party system in the New England states. Within four years it had a Mason at the helm and it eventually morphed into the Whig Party (Republicans). And “the beat goes on” ever since.

To those of you who say we have the best possible governing system, even with all its negatives, I say, “Bull.” Why not make these “representatives” actually do just that -- make them work for a teacher’s salary with no perks or special-interest money so we can get people who want to do what is best for the people and not for the money. To all you naysayers, we would still fill up the Capitol (with far better people).


Robert Fox Jr.

La Crescenta


Ventura’s commentary is quite right about the decadence of both the Democratic and Republican parties and how little they do for the average working American. Bill Clinton, with his support of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the North American Free Trade Agreement, did as much to hurt the American worker as both Bushes (senior and junior).

We need a multiparty system based on a popular vote, such as those systems in Italy, France and Germany. We need proportional representation, ruling coalitions and votes of confidence. Independent parties, like the Greens, need to be proportionally represented in Congress, not this “winner take all,” two-party tyranny that we have in the United States.

For example, France has 16 or more political parties; Italy has, I believe, about eight. They run the gamut from conservative to socialist to far left, and that is good. With a wider selection of political parties, more voters will turn out -- and should elect far better candidates than the two boobs we now have ruling us (one in the White House, the other in Sacramento).

John Hunady

