
Honk If You Love Los Angeles Drivers


I recently spent eight days in Southern California, mostly in Los Angeles, visiting friends. My overwhelming impression of my visit is: Can the Los Angeles drivers move to where I live? I drove nearly 900 miles in all kinds of traffic. I encountered only two drivers who “behaved badly”: a lady in Pasadena who was pulling out of a parking spot and would have hit me if I hadn’t anticipated her, and a man in a four-wheel-drive truck on the road to the Ocotillo Wells RV area who was anxious to get on the highway and pulled out too close to me.

Otherwise, I encountered drivers who maintained a steady flow, made room if another driver signaled to change lanes, didn’t tailgate, didn’t honk their horns for frivolous reasons, didn’t weave in and out of traffic and seemed to obey virtually all the traffic laws. In spite of the heavy traffic and numerous cars, I found it fun and safe to drive in L.A. To all these magnificent drivers: Can you please come to the Boston area and show the people here how to drive?

Vicki Meagher

Nashua, N.H.
