
Pharmaceutical Giants Reap Unseemly Profits


Re “Drug Makers Overcharged Medi-Cal by Many Millions of Dollars, State Alleges,” April 21: California Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer is going after drug manufacturers for overcharging Medi-Cal by hundreds of millions of dollars. Does anyone else see the absurdity of the drug companies’ profits here?

Think about it for a minute. (It won’t take much longer than that.) These pharmaceutical giants create a demand for prescription drugs by spending billions of dollars on advertising, telling us to “ask your doctor about ... “; then, when the hook is set, the prices are increased to gouge the patients, the insurance companies and, ultimately, the taxpayers. Is it any wonder why Americans are starting to shop for these same drugs outside of our borders while the drug companies fight to keep us from doing so? Go get ‘em, Bill.

David Ohman

