
Rumsfeld’s Resignation Is in Order


Re “Prison Abuse Panel Faults Leaders,” Aug. 25: The Abu Ghraib prison investigative panel suggests that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld shouldn’t resign, as it would be a “boon to all America’s enemies.” Imagine the “boon” to these enemies if the inmates released from Abu Ghraib said they were treated well, respected and had access to families and legal help.

Can you imagine American rage if our citizens were treated like that or held in Guantanamo by Cuba for over two years without charges, legal council or family contact? Rumsfeld should resign because his concept of democracy is tragically distorted.

John Holmstrom



Wasn’t it Rumsfeld and his cadre of Pentagon brass that assured us during the Senate and House hearings on Abu Ghraib that only a few low-level reservists acting on their own were responsible for the abuse of prisoners?


Given recent revelations, it appears Rumsfeld, Gen. Richard Myers, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez and Gen. John Abizaid were a bit more involved and, in the best traditions of the defense establishment and military, not too proud to blame it on the little guys. It’s time for the president to ask for their resignations because it appears that falling on swords is out of fashion.

Bill Spater

La Crescenta


Re “Prison Abuse Reports May Insulate Bush From Blame,” news analysis, Aug. 26: Your article quotes Clay Ramsay, research director for the University of Maryland’s Program on International Policy Studies, as saying: “The reports themselves are perceived as a sign the administration is trying to do its job right now, trying its best to clean up the mess. They are at worst a wash for the president and possibly a little beneficial.” Yes, George Bush has been very careful to insist that the Geneva Convention did not apply to his war, so how can anyone blame him? He has yet to admit that he made any mistakes, but he sure does spend a lot of time trying to clean up the terrible things that happen during his term as commander in chief.

Thomas W. McCarthy

Chino Hills
