
Revved-up sky riders

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Migrating birds at the Salton Sea share airspace this weekend with 200 gliding gladiators expected to gather for the fifth annual Powered Paragliding Fly-In & Convention. Gawkers are welcome at Saturday competitions that include “kiting wars.” The theatrics begin on the ground, when 75 to 100 pilots square off in an enclosed area and attempt to take off at the same time, scrambling to “steal air” and keep their opponents from ascending. “The last glider in the air wins,” said event organizer Bob Armond of Other competitions: the spot landing (gliders ascend 300 feet, kill their motors and try to land in the center of a circle on the ground) and the foot drag (pilots drag their feet on the ground while flying along a cone-studded obstacle course). California’s largest lake was chosen for the event because of the beauty of the surrounding desert and because of the lake’s constant breezes, which allow pilots to fly all day. The event also is open to ultralights, trikes (powered paragliders and ultralights fitted with three wheels for launch) and powered parachutes. For information on registration and a schedule of activities, go to or call (805) 496-5122.
