
Kucinich Says Kerry, Bush Alike on Iraq

From Associated Press

Presidential hopeful Dennis J. Kucinich on Monday criticized Democratic front-runner John F. Kerry as being too similar to President Bush on Iraq.

Kucinich, a congressman from Ohio, pointed to his third-place finishes in Democratic caucuses over the weekend as signs that his own campaign was starting to resonate with voters.

Speaking at a forum of the National Assn. of Hispanic Journalists, Kucinich criticized Kerry, a Massachusetts senator who voted for the congressional resolution authorizing the war.


“Sen. Kerry voted for the war. Sen. Kerry supports the occupation. Sen. Kerry supports sending another 40,000 troops to Iraq,” Kucinich said. “I’m wondering if the people of this country are ready to trade a Republican war for a Democratic war, because that’s exactly where we’re headed right now.”

Kerry has said he supported the war based on faulty U.S. intelligence. He opposed an $87-billion package for Iraq and Afghanistan and supports increasing the number of Americans in uniform worldwide by 40,000.
