
Divorce Church and State on Marriage


The state should get out of the marriage business. Marriage is a religious ritual that secures the benefits of holy matrimony to its participants. A civil union gives legal benefits to those so united by the state. American democracy is founded on the separation of church and state. If two unrelated, consenting adults want to be joined together in the eyes of God, they get married in a ceremony approved by a church. If two unrelated, consenting adults want to be joined together in the eyes of the government, then they get a civil union.

Happily, four conditions are then possible. They can be married or have a civil union or both or neither. And each situation confers its own blessings according to its nature, whether religious or civil, joined or single.

Wesley E. Profit

Los Angeles


Re “Bush Troubled by Gay Weddings” and “Same-Sex Marriage Ban Gains,” Feb. 19: President Bush says same-sex marriage is an issue where it’s important for “people to stand up on principle.” But a legislator like Republican Margaret Dayton of Utah, who introduced a ban on gay marriage in that state’s House of Representatives, refuses to engage in debate or even civil discussion of the issue. Could it be she realizes that the principle is not really on her side this time?


Jon K. Williams

Santa Barbara
