
Showing Obscenity in a News Format

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Re “L.A. Officers Kill Suspect as Viewers Watch on TV,” Feb. 24: I arrived at my mom-in-law’s to pick up my 7-year-old daughter and observed them watching the local news as a wrong-way driver being chased by the cops was unceremoniously riddled with bullets and left to fall out of his vehicle, dead. My daughter, after seeing that, asked me, “Is that guy dead?” Where are you now, FCC Chairman Michael Powell? Oh, I forgot, ratings for “news” stations are more important than obscenity rules. Then again, watching a dead man fall out of his car is not obscene, it is much worse.

Hector Reyes


I find it hard to understand why ABC is imposing a five-second delay on the Oscar telecast Sunday, yet on Monday I was allowed to watch a suspect shot and killed by police on live TV during the morning news.

Kathleen N. Schwartz

North Hollywood
