
Firm Hired to Plan N. Hollywood Projects

Times Staff Writer

Two public agencies have hired a consultant to draft a comprehensive plan for future commercial, retail, residential and transportation developments in North Hollywood.

Although redevelopment efforts have been underway for years, officials with the Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said they sought a fresh perspective, new ideas and a comprehensive vision and strategy to guide future projects.

The agencies contracted with Urban Land Institute, a nonprofit education and research group based in Washington, D.C., to examine development opportunities and market potential in the NoHo Arts District and the area near the North Hollywood Metro Red Line station, officials said.


Additionally, the CRA and MTA will seek comment from community residents, business owners and activists on the potential retail, office, restaurant, housing, entertainment and cultural venues in the area.

Public meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday and 7 p.m. Monday at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn, 4222 Vineland Ave., North Hollywood.

Planners are expected to present their final report and recommendations to CRA and MTA officials Jan. 30.
