
Bush Provides Jobs and Reasons to Vote


I was thrilled to hear about all those fantastic new jobs that President Bush referred to in his State of the Union address (Jan. 21). Apparently his fiscal policies are creating tons of new employment opportunities, and all a laid-off worker whose job left the country needs to do is get retrained for one of these newly created positions. Perhaps our representatives can put together a bill to fund on-the-job training at Burger King or Wal-Mart.

After all, a job is a job, right? Who do we think we are, anyway, to ask for such old-fashioned things as a living wage, overtime pay, affordable health care and all that other liberal garbage? Who are we to ask the rich to pay their fair share of taxes? That’s pure socialism. And just who do we really think we are to demand our constitutional rights guaranteeing free speech and the right to question publicly what our secretive government is doing? That’s treason, and perhaps a few months incommunicado at Guantanamo Bay will cure us of such thoughts. Wait, I nearly forgot. We can vote!

Ed Coonce



Maybe junior colleges can use Bush’s “jobs for the 21st century” training program to teach Hindi or Punjabi (Jan. 22). That way Americans can compete for all the jobs the president’s corporate buddies are sending to India and other places where they can get away with paying poverty-level wages.


John McDonald

Manhattan Beach
