
Kerry Selects Edwards for No. 2 Spot on Ticket


With all due consideration to the others on Sen. John Kerry’s short list, Sen. John Edwards is the best choice Kerry could make for a running mate. Edwards’ energy and dedication to the same middle class that the current administration has so badly neglected make him the right man at the right time.

Now maybe we’ll have a vice president who is more than just a conduit for big-buck economic interests. I just hope Kerry and Edwards don’t waste a lot of words answering the cheap shots that the Bush boys are going to launch. I hope they take the high road and address the issues forcefully and directly.

Jim Kelly

Yucca Valley


If Kerry had chosen the pope to be his running mate, the Republicans would still have found a reason to put out a negative report on the choice.


John A. Nelson

Los Angeles


I just heard Kerry’s announcement that he would pick Edwards as a running mate. Another white male. How predictable; how unimaginative

Jean Bennett

Sun City
