
Support Is Available for Language Studies


Although it is true that schools lack the resources they need to build their foreign language offerings (“Students Ask for More Foreign Language Classes,” July 2), I believe that our multilingual, multicultural community can and should help us out in this respect. I have discovered that postsecondary programs, cultural institutes and fraternal organizations can provide the support needed.

For example, Verdugo Hills High School offers three levels of Italian language. We owe the success of our program to our partnerships with the Fondazione Italia and the foreign language department of Cal State Northridge.

In addition, for the first time in our school’s history, a Verdugo Hills grad has been awarded a scholarship by an organization of Italian American educators in order to further his study of the language.


Grazie amici!

Cheryl Dellepiane

Principal, Verdugo Hills

High School, Tujunga


As a professor of Romance languages, I was happy to read that students’ interest in the availability of languages is indeed strong. If high schools cannot offer some classes, students should indeed explore the community college option, as the article indicated.

Some community colleges now offer languages online. At Allan Hancock College, we offer Italian and Spanish for students who find it difficult to attend our regular classes. Online education is an option that can expand educational opportunities for our students.

Domenico Maceri PhD

Santa Maria, Calif.
