
Short Takes / The rest of the best


‘The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King’

Ngila Dickson, Richard Taylor

In the enviable position of competing against herself, Ngila Dickson received dueling nominations for her work in “The Last Samurai” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.”

She won and lost, taking home a statuette for “Return of the King.” Accepting her statuette, she acknowledged “my amazing wardrobe crew. An unbelievable group of people who have stuck with us through thick and thin, five long years of filmmaking.” She shares the award with Richard Taylor, who handled armor, special makeup and miniatures and who also won in the makeup category, sharing that Oscar with Peter King.

Dickson had previously been nominated for “The Fellowship of the Ring”; Taylor had won two awards for his contributions to that film. For “Last Samurai” Dickson produced about 3,000 costumes in 14 months; for the three “Rings” pictures, her team created more than 5,000 costumes before they stopped counting.


Taylor concluded by thanking “Tania, my partner, the young girl who, at the age of 13, I bought two live rats as my first present to her.”
