
Kerry Pressed on Claim of Support Abroad


Re “Kerry Pushed on Claim as Reporter Corrects Quote,” March 16: I find it truly ironic that the Bush administration is demanding that Sen. John Kerry reveal the names of foreign leaders who Kerry has said privately endorse his candidacy. Is this the same Bush administration that has fought all the way to the Supreme Court not to reveal the names of who attended its energy policy meetings?

Patrick Mallon

San Luis Obispo


I am now convinced that the Democratic Party has unofficially endorsed President Bush for reelection. When Kerry states that foreign leaders want Kerry to win the election, that’s about as good as it gets for Bush.

The U.S. has, for over 100 years, bailed out these foreign governments. Why would any intelligent American citizen give a damn, or any credence to, what a foreign leader says about our elections and the Democratic nominee? If they want Kerry to win, then we all know that Bush has to be the better choice for the United States.


Jerry Donner

Apple Valley


The Bush administration has alienated many countries, particularly in Europe. Bush has only demonstrated his ignorance toward handling foreign relations. Kerry was merely alluding to the obvious. It’s time for our country to become more unified in the world in which we all live, not polarized. I say more power to Kerry for standing up for the American people.

Jethro Singer

Santa Monica
