
Spain’s Voters Punished Lies After the Al Qaeda Attack


The newly elected leader in Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, said it perfectly: The war in Iraq was “an error” based on “lies.” Wars like the one in Iraq “only allow hatred, violence and terror to proliferate.”

We are marking the one-year anniversary of this error based on lies. Anyone who believes that this war has made the world a safer place needs only to look at the recent bombings in Spain. All we have done is make it harder for us to fight these terrorist groups because we have committed most of our resources to a war in a country that was not a threat to us but, if anything, was a threat to Al Qaeda.

So this should not be a time for self-congratulation, but instead should be a time for admitting our mistake to the rest of the world and finding a way out of this mess of a war based on lies.


Tom Stevenson

Manhattan Beach


Michael Ramirez’s latest outrage -- showing Zapatero’s arm raised in triumph by a blood-drenched terrorist -- is typical of the right wing’s perversion of truth (editorial cartoon, Commentary, March 16). Zapatero has made it clear that his first priority in office will be to fight terrorism. The war in Iraq was opposed by 90% of Spaniards. The Spanish people were horrified by 3/11 and angered by their government’s attempt to lay the blame on the Basque insurgent group ETA when it was clear that Al Qaeda was responsible. Spanish voters did not reward terror. They punished liars.

In November, it will be America’s turn to punish the lies and incompetence of President Bush and his cabal of extreme ideologues.

Mark Klein

Los Angeles


I wonder, if this administration captures Osama bin Laden soon, or near the election, if people will change their vote and vote for Bush. Just asking.

Annette Robinson



Re “Spanish Voters Oust Ruling Party,” March 15: The question is not “Did the terrorists win?” but is, instead, “Did the government’s ignoring the wish of the Spanish people not to invade Iraq -- and did the government’s attempted cover-up of who was responsible for the train bombings -- lose?” Governmental arrogance and deception will always, eventually, be the downfall of governments, administrations and regimes. President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair, be aware.

Gloria Calomee

Los Angeles


The terrorists have scored a major victory in Spain. The ruling party has been soundly defeated, and the Socialist Party will now be in power. Islamic terrorists claimed responsibility for the bombings that happened right before the election and blamed the massacre on Spain’s involvement in the war in Iraq and close ties with the United States.

The terrorists have just been given the green light to carry out similar carnage in the U.S. right before our November elections. To blame the bombing on Spain’s involvement in Iraq is wrong. How would you then explain the bombings in Bali? Spain pulling out of Iraq will only escalate the violence, for the terrorists are meeting their objectives when countries like Spain give them exactly what they want.


Gail Brunell

Laguna Niguel


Obviously, most Spaniards are too young to remember Neville Chamberlain and “peace in our time.” Apparently, Spanish schools don’t teach World War II history.

Walt Bales

