
Story About Code Leaves Them Cold


While J.A. Adande [Oct. 4] is on the right track, he is a bit off the mark. Kobe is no rat but rather a gutless, spineless coward willing to sully anybody to save his own worthless hide. Anyone who looks up to Bryant as a role model is a sad case indeed. Since when is an adulterous coward a role model?

Skip Houston

Laguna Beach


A note for J.A. Adande and his idea of men being men. Despite all the white noise of the off-court drama that seems to keep you so amused, and despite the real facts, I agree that Shaq is the fall guy.

Last time I saw him on the court, he was lying down at the feet of Ben Wallace. That’s a long fall.


Robert Sobul

Los Angeles


So Shaquille O’Neal is now a sleek 335 pounds, or about 20 less than he weighed while with the Lakers last season. If that’s true, then Shaq could not have been playing all out, because of being overweight. Had he been in better condition, the Lakers might not have been upset by the Detroit Pistons for the NBA championship.

Like a fighter who takes a dive, Shaq earned his money under false pretenses last year ... although I wouldn’t tell him that to his face.

Joe Lyou

Santa Paula


Mark Heisler continues to pursue the media-perpetuated acrimony between Bryant and O’Neal by writing articles entitled “Bryant and O’Neal Take It Coast to Coast,” when the body of the article is an almost entirely benign interview with the former Laker center. And while neither player is exactly a paragon of maturity, Adande, like many other sportswriters, persists in deferring to O’Neal at Kobe’s expense.

At least the incongruous and remarkably effeminate image of Adande’s gossiping with members of his “NBA circle” -- like jabbering patrons of a beauty salon -- about Bryant’s lack of propriety in breaking this macho “Code” was good for a laugh.

Carol Weissberg



So J.A. Adande shells Kobe by saying he broke the “Guy Code.”

Well I have news for you, Mr. Adande. It seems that you have broken a more important code. Hometown writers don’t bash hometown heroes, period.

Hector Reyes

