
A mother’s grief, a nation’s pain

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Re “Politics of War Could Pivot on Mother’s Vigil,” news analysis, Aug. 17

President Bush has deceived Americans about the reason for going to war in Iraq. Despite the sacrifices of our brave soldiers, Iraq has served as a rallying point for Islamic fanatics. The president has actually encouraged the insurgents with his ill-advised “bring them on” taunt.

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen hero, has the right to an explanation from the president on why her son had to die in this foolhardy and unethical war of choice. Instead of engaging Sheehan in this discussion, a neighbor of Bush’s fires a shotgun in the air to intimidate her. This appears to be the only response the extreme right is capable of.


Manhattan Beach



Sheehan is endangering those that she claims to support. Our enemies see her posturing and say, “OK, we got the weak Americans on the run so, let’s kill more Americans and they will leave.” Sheehan puts our troops in danger and uses her son’s tragic death for a political statement, and the press does not know how to treat the issue honestly.


Newport Beach
