
Paying the Price for Parking Fine Mistake


Re “Parking Windfall Angers Officials,” Feb. 1: It is outrageous on many accounts that Los Angeles did not receive its share of parking fines. Why does the city need to contract this function to outside firms? Who is monitoring the contract? But the fact that the outside firm can collect the fines, while city employees appear unable or unwilling to do the job, unfortunately proves once again that private enterprise is better than coddled municipal employees when it comes to getting the job done.

And the union employee who says the money belongs to the city is wrong. It belongs to us taxpayers!

Daniel J. Fink

Los Angeles


The city is now $20 million poorer because it failed to demand this amount from contractors hired to collect parking ticket payments. Now, the City Council wants the citizenry to support a half-cent sales tax increase to hire more police officers, who could be paid from this negligence and irresponsibility. Instead of raising taxes on the people, how about raising the responsibility of government?


Robert L. Rosebrock

