
Some discord, some harmony

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In Mark Swed’s article “How Sound Is the Symphony?” (Jan. 30), he makes a wise statement: “Don’t believe everything you read.”

His statement obviously applies to everything you read that Swed writes. He makes statements of his opinion as if they were statements of fact.

He criticizes two of the three most respected and capable orchestra managers by going to one concert of each orchestra without setting forth any “facts” to support his outrageous comments. Not satisfied, he even insults the audiences of the orchestras and the fine (and more knowledgeable and courteous) critics of the New York Philharmonic.


Please, let Los Angeles have a music critic who has good judgment, taste and good manners.

-- Bernard Golvin

Los Angeles


Mark SWED’S feature was the best statement I’ve seen of what’s wrong and right with classical music organizations in America today. The last two paragraphs say it all: We need to take our audiences seriously and present programs that engage them on a meaningful level.

In 2004, the board and staff of Camerata Pacifica, working with founder and artistic director Adrian Spence, devoted months of time and effort to drafting a mission statement that would reflect our convictions and guide our efforts. If we had had Swed on our team, we could have done it in a week.

I have sent his words to every board and staff member.

-- Peter Beuret

Santa Barbara

Peter Beuret is president of the chamber music ensemble Camerata Pacifica.
