
Consular Identification Aids Illegal Immigrants


The Feb. 12 editorial, “Common-Sense IDs,” makes perfect sense for those who want to perpetuate illegal immigration. But for the 75% of Americans who want to end illegal immigration, the opposite is true.

The matricula consular is useful in the United States only for illegal aliens, because legal immigrants have U.S. government-issued documents.

Same for tourists with passports. Not only does the matricula subvert U.S. immigration laws, it is not even a secure identity document.


Mexico isn’t authenticating the documents used to obtain matriculas against computerized data files in Mexico. Further, safeguards aren’t in place to prevent multiple issuance of matriculas to the same individual; the Department of Homeland Security has already reported numerous findings of multiple cards in different names issued to the same person.

None of this is rocket science. Why should a sovereign nation like ours allow the acceptance of foreign government-issued ID cards for services provided by its local municipalities when, beyond any reasonable doubt, the overwhelming majority of those carrying these documents are illegal aliens?

Michael Scott



American open-border supporters who want control over U.S. homeland security turned over to a corrupt Mexican government are quislings.

Supporting the acceptance of the Mexican identification card is an effort to aid and abet the presence in the United States of illegal aliens from Mexico. The FBI says these cards are completely worthless as identification.

What the Los Angeles Times advocates is a dangerous, idiotic and preposterous policy that destroys U.S. citizenship, sovereignty and the rule of law in the name of “practicality.”

Larry Brown

