
Arguments Over Tsunami Aid

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Re “Tsunami Aid Stems Unrest, Boosts U.S. Security, Powell Says,” Jan. 5: During his tour of Indonesia, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell cravenly politicized the event by proclaiming it an opportunity for the Muslim world to “see American generosity, American values in action.”

Outrageous! Instead of just being there in support and empathy for the victims’ suffering and leaving it at that, Powell leaped at the chance to make a political football out of the tragedy. Mr. Secretary, the way to lessen anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world is to, first of all, stop invading countries that haven’t attacked you, such as Iraq. Then stop supporting dictatorships that oppress people, such as the shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein throughout the Reagan years when he committed his worst atrocities, the monarchy in Saudi Arabia and Gen. Suharto in Indonesia itself, to name but a few.

Stop making deals with these devils and instead support the will of the world’s people to self-determination. This is true democracy and what will improve America’s image abroad.


Richard Marracq

Redwood City, Calif.


The Jan. 5 article, “Criticism Spurs Boost in Aid From Arab Nations,” certainly helps amplify the difference in philosophy between Arab nations and the rest of the world. With virtually no hesitation or preconditions, the United States and other governments, as well as their individual citizens, immediately began sending generous financial aid to the victims of the tsunami, most of whom are Muslim.

Meanwhile, some people in wealthy Arab nations debate whether their disproportionately small contributions might get to nonbelievers as well as Muslims. This Muslim/infidel mentality seems to influence almost every decision they make, even in times of disaster.

George Lazik

Woodland Hills


Re “Forget Iraq and South Asia, It’s Party Time,” Commentary, Jan. 6: If President Bush had decided to do exactly what Margaret Carlson suggests (cancel the inaugural festivities and donate the money to Iraq and/or South Asia tsunami victims), that also would be the wrong thing to do. Why, look at how many people in Washington would suddenly lose out on all the work: waiters, busboys, restaurants, limousine drivers, hotel workers; the list goes on and on.


So let’s not create a big economic hit to the Washington area -- let the parties begin and keep our minimum-wage earners working and supporting their families. Poor Bush, he can’t do anything right.

Jackie Warner



I wonder if it had occurred to our president that the entire world had responded to a humanitarian effort in South Asia, whereas he received very little support for his decision to destroy Iraq. I pray that he received a message from this: that governments and people of the world recognize a just cause and will support it as opposed to supporting an ego trip.

Joe La Rosa

Long Beach
