
CBS News Needs to Tell the Whole Story

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Re “Report Condemns CBS News; 4 Lose Jobs,” Jan. 11: CBS News and the independent panel’s report conclude that the documents referred to in the infamous broadcast cannot be authenticated because the originals are not available.

CBS News should make public all documents, including e-mails, notes, memos. CBS News has stonewalled and sidestepped the path to complete disclosure since day one.

In the Jayson Blair matter, the New York Times admitted its mistakes, sought out the truth, published it and fired executives. Now is the time for CBS to follow the New York Times’ lead with full and open disclosure. CBS firing four subordinates of the bosses is reminiscent of President Nixon’s actions in Watergate. Who will pursue the truth regarding CBS with the zeal the national media exhibited in the disclosure of President Bush’s 30-year-old National Guard attendance records?


Russell Patterson

Newport Beach


Let’s make sure I have this right.

Bush, legacy admittee to Yale (thanks, Daddy), recipient of a coveted position in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, unelected president of the United States, 2001-2005 (thanks, Supreme Court), was the victim of sloppy reporting by CBS?

How could anyone possibly believe our president got “favorable treatment” during his Guard service?

John Horne

Redondo Beach
