
Jail Food Complaints Are Hard to Swallow

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Re “Jail Food Can Be a Hard Sell,” Jan. 8: Even the criminals in our society have the same entitlement issues that are undoing this country. It’s prison, not a resort.

There are plenty of people working and living within the boundaries of our laws that can’t even afford three meals a day. The point is, taxpayers are providing breakfast to the folks who may have stolen their identity, robbed them at gunpoint, tried to kill them

If they were as concerned about the quality of their meals before deciding to commit crimes, perhaps they would be having more freedom of choice in regard to their menu selection.


The article did nothing but disgust me, especially as it appeared next to the photo of supplies being transported to the tsunami victims, some of whom will starve to death before aid can get to them.

Pam Baker

Pico Rivera


People go to jail for punishment, not good food. If people are so concerned about the lousy food in jail they should try to stay out of jail by not breaking laws.

There was a time when a meal in prison consisted of bread and water, three times a day.

I am sick and tired of reading about the privileges occupants of our jails are able to expect. They get to exercise, they have libraries, they have television, and now they want chefs to prepare their favorite dishes.


Many of us who aren’t in jail don’t have a lot of things prisoners have. There is something terribly wrong with this picture.

Norm Pangracs

