
Dodgers Finally Showing Their Vision

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Odalis Perez pitched brilliantly for the Dodgers last season, faltering only at the end. He was re-signed for big bucks, the Dodgers evidently thinking that a pitcher should be judged on his whole year, not just a weak finish.

Derek Lowe pitched poorly with the Red Sox for most of last season, was removed from the starting rotation, but had a sensational finish. The Dodgers signed him for big bucks, evidently thinking that a pitcher should be judged on his form during the final weeks of the season, not his entire year.

Jose Lima had a great year with the Dodgers from start to finish. Even though he would have been far less expensive than either Perez or Lowe, he was not re-signed, the Dodgers evidently not thinking at all.


Bart Robertson



Let’s recap the Dodgers by position. They have two injury-prone outfielders and one crazy one. They have a no-hit first baseman, a no-like second baseman and a no-want third baseman. Add to that a no-hit catcher and you have quite a starting team.

Their pitching staff is made up of a no-heart lefty, a no-strike lefty, a no-arm righty and two more no-winners. Wow! I’m excited.

I’ll make Frank McCourt a deal. If this whole wunderkind thing with DePodesta doesn’t work out, I’ll be the Dodgers’ GM for free and I can bet that I would do a better job.


Paraphrasing a line from Bobby Knight, I’ve forgotten more about baseball than you’ll ever know.

Geno Apicella



Jose Valentin to replace Beltre? Didn’t they once tell us that Bob Miller would replace Koufax?

Mike Friedman

Oak Park


Did you hear about the latest pitch for the new reality TV series where the baseball owner and his general manager demolish and then attempt to rebuild their organization?


It’s called “Extreme Home Team Makeover.”

Allan Judkowitz



Stuart Siegel [Viewpoint, Jan. 8] has proved once again that you can fool some of the people some of the time. Obviously he did not talk to the same Frank McCourt who all but promised the return of Adrian Beltre and then choked at the price.

I’m not sure whom you talked to, Stuart, but I think you will find it was the Frank McCourt of the filet-and-lobster tastes with the peanut butter-and-jelly wallet who continues to feed the rest of us a steady diet of bologna.

Dave Snyder

Grand Terrace


Dear Derek Lowe,

Welcome to the Dodgers. We are a proud team with dedicated fans and a storied history. In 1988, Tommy Lasorda made a deal with the devil. In exchange for several miracles that year, Mr. Lasorda gave up his health, his job and the team has not won a playoff series since. You might say we are “cursed.” Anything you could do to reverse this situation would be greatly appreciated.

John Thompson

