
Ashcroft Praises Employees at Justice Farewell Tribute

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From Associated Press

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft on Monday thanked employees in the Justice Department he had led for four years for their efforts to prevent another terrorist attack.

“There seems to be a record of achievement that you have generated that far exceeds what we would have anticipated without 9/11, in spite of this demand that we invest so many resources in the fight against terror,” Ashcroft said at a farewell ceremony. “There is no limit to what can be achieved when we work together in harmony and unity.”

Several hundred people gathered at the department’s Great Hall to say goodbye to Ashcroft, who will leave as soon as President Bush’s choice to replace him, Alberto R. Gonzales, is confirmed by the Senate.


Ashcroft has been a lightning rod for Bush administration critics who argued that civil liberties and privacy rights have been threatened by numerous actions taken in the war on terrorism. Ashcroft also has advocated staunchly conservative positions on such issues as gun rights, abortion and gay marriage.

Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) said when Ashcroft’s resignation was announced that he was “one of the most divisive faces in this administration.”

But speakers on Monday described Ashcroft as courageous, principled and modest, willing to take tough stands on important issues despite criticism.


Ashcroft, a 62-year-old former Missouri governor and senator, has not revealed his post-government plans but will remain in the Washington area.
